Dreams are not Dreams

<i>Dreams are not Dreams</i>
Dreams are not Dreams


Release date: 1st March 2023

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Unexplained, random violence has erupted simultaneously across earth, Mars and Luna in the event which will go down in history as 'The October Incident'.

Without warning, friends turn on one-another, strangers attack strangers in the street, children assault their parents and lovers die at the hands of their partners.

For newly-weds Rufus and Barry, trapped in one of the egg-shaped transit pods on Luna, their honeymoon is in tatters. As they struggle to return to their hotel, they take comfort in each other’s arms as the temperature drops and their oxygen supply begins to run short.

Until the unthinkable happens.

The EGG MEN is a short story set against the backdrop of events occurring towards the end of the book puppet | STRINGS.

The Nightmares are doing their best to assault and upset the other worlds, deploying teams of their military personnel to mind-control as many people as possible, encouraging them to commit acts of violence against anyone and everyone.

Our main character, Barry, is caught in the midst of the chaos, trapped in a Luna City transit pod with his new husband, Rufus.

The story also gives us an opportunity to meet once again two minor characters from puppet | STRINGS, Luna Police officers Sergeant Collins and Constable Lee.

Other Dreams are not dreams stories:

puppet | STRINGS

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